Lisbeth Nebelong

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The author Lisbeth Nebelong and her novels Når engle spiller Mozart (When angels play Mozart), Færøblues (Faroe Blues) and Møde i mol:

Lisbeth Nebelong (b. 1955) is a journalist and Master of Public Management and has written seven popular books on home finances. In 2003 she made her debut as a novelist with Når engle spiller Mozart (When angels play Mozart), followed by two other Faroe novels in 2008 and 2014. In april 2016 the three revized novels were published together as Færø Blues Trilogien (The Faroe Blues Trilogy).

Når engle spiller Mozart (When angels play Mozart) from August 2003 is a love story between the Danish main character, Lisa and the Faroese cellist, Kári.
Besides the novel is a portrait of the Faroe Islands and about the national community between Denmark and the Faroe Islands.
“First and foremost the novel is about an individual coming to terms with herself. Closely connected with this is the theme about modern female identity, split between career and the choice of whether to have children or not. The novel’s point is the transference of these psychological approaches to the problematics of the cultural encounter. Just as Lisa at last confronts herself with the injustices of the past and reconciles herself to them, so must the partners in the national community arrive at an understanding and put aside the past – whether the Faroe Islands choose to continue within the national community or form their own nation state.” Kirsten Thisted, Nordic Voices 2005.
Please read the full text here.

Færøblues (Faroe Blues) from January 2008 is the story about Kári, who grows up in the Faroe Islands and spends his childhood in the capital of Tórshavn in the 60’s and 70’s.
As a young man he leaves the Faroe Islands to become a cellist. 25 years later he returns for the first time to perform a solo concert. In intense flashbacks he experiences his childhood years again: his great love for the Danish girl Lisa, spring concerts and trawler trip in the North Atlantic, and not least an exceptional clash with his mother.
Færøblues (Faroe Islands Blues) is a novel about a young artist and his attempts to maintain and develop his identity in spite of – or thanks to – his upbringing in a small island community on nature’s terms. The novel is also about music and erotic experiences as a means of escape and deliverance.

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In the final novel from 2014 we follow Lisa and Kári in their respectively countries (Denmark and Norway) in January 2006 - until they finally meet again - in the Faroe Islands - where it all began many years ago.

Færø Blues Trilogien Each of Lisbeth Nebelongs three novels can be read independently, but they are also part of a trilogy about the Faroe Islands between tradition and modernity and life among Danes and Faroese in the North Atlantic. In April 2016 the novels were published as a decidedly trilogy with the title Fære Blues Trilogien (The Faroe Blues Trilogy).

Lisbeth is also the author of the danish tourguide Turen går til Færøerne (The trip goes to the Faroe Islands). See english translation of the preface
